“What’s your guarantee?”
We guarantee that you will be pleased with the professionalism and experience of our crew and our process. You’ll see how we take extra care on heavily soiled areas and spots. If spots or traffic areas re-appear quickly, we will gladly re-clean the areas at no charge. Usually for up to 1 month.
“What do you do with the furniture?”
We can move or go around most furniture. When we move a table or chair, we clean underneath it and then set it back on styrofoam blocks or plastic tabs. (to protect the furniture from moisture).
“Will it take long to dry?”
Many carpets are nearly dry when we finish. Other times heavily soiled carpets, requiring extra effort; take between 2 and 6 hours to dry. We can also leave plastic shoe covers so you can walk on the carpets immediately. Although we do recommend waiting as long as possible.
“I’m worried about re-occuring spots and rapid re-soiling.” So are we!
Our carpet cleaning process is specifically designed to avoid the problem of pre-mature re-soiling. We have effectively divided our system into a clean and rinse process that not only removes soil but also detergent residue.
“Is your process safe for my kids and pets?”
Yes. Absolutely! Our carpet cleaning fluids are completely bio-degradable and non-toxic. There are no harsh fumes or odors. It’s safe enough to wash your clothes, or even your hands. Additionally, we continuously rinse out the cleaning fluid with hot water and powerful vacuums.